
鳳凰衛視: TV Award Event at Shanghai Bund Centre

16 January 2017
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The 11th January was a very special day for Villa Moonshadow, as it was showcased at one of the prestigious award events hosted at the Shanghai Westin Bund Centre by the Ferrari Club and one of China’s only private TV channels, 鳳凰衛視 (Phoenix TV). More than 150 VIP guests from all around China were invited to attend an open discussion forum between some of China’s most renown CEOs (such as the gentlemen on the image below).

Following these discussions covering highly interesting societal & economic topics, some of these presenters were lucky to win some of these year’s awards. In accordance to that, Villa Moonshadow was also presented on stage as one of Asia’s most luxurious and famous boutique villas. Once again, we would like to thank all hosts for this wonderful experience:


The event’s awards


The panel of CEOs


Villa Moonshadow’s presentation at the event


Shanghai Bund Center at night

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